This is the list of my recent papers available as pdf files:
Predrag Slijepcevic (2019) Principles of information processing and natural learning in biological systems. Journal for General Philosophy of Science, under review. JGPS-S-18-00147
Predrag Slijepcevic (2018) Evolutionary epistemology: Reviewing and reviving with new data the research programme for distributed biological intelligence. BioSystems, 163, 23-35. biosystems paper
Predrag Slijepcevic (2018) Genome dynamics over evolutionary time: “C-value enigma” in light of chromosome structure. Mutation Research, 836, 22-27. Mutat Res 2018
Predrag Slijepcevic (2016) Mechanisms of the Evolutionary Chromosome Plasticity: Integrating the ‘Centromere-from- Telomere’ Hypothesis with Telomere Length Regulation. Cytogenet Genome Res, 148, 268-278. Cytogenet Genome Res